Blogging is obviously another thing I'm no good at... So what has happened? Since last I've done three gigs, got myself an ADHD diagnosis and watched my father disappear of lung cancer... Don't smoke kids!
All three gigs was a lot of fun in different ways. One of them was the debut gig for Düsseldorf 57. That one was exciting because we didn't have the time to rehearse properly... But those guys...those guys..
The last gig (a solo one) was in a house outside Östersund owned by SHRA. A small room. A tiny PA and me. The people were so close I could smell the alcohol on their breath and also their lack of hygiene. I love that! I don't want to be on a stage. I don't want the sound to be "larger than life" I want you close! Come here! I want to be able to hear what you're saying without you gotta shout it to me! I want you to hear my in between teeth comments! I want you to interact! If you dare! heh-heh... That's what I call a fun gig! I'll try to help you through music and you'll help me just through accepting me! And then if you also like my music it's fantastic!